Two liquid oxygen trucks arrive in Yangon, 26 more to come

Two liquid oxygen trucks arrive in Yangon, 26 more to come
A liquid oxygen bowser seen arriving at YGH (Photo-U Hla Soe-YGN)
A liquid oxygen bowser seen arriving at YGH (Photo-U Hla Soe-YGN)
Published 18 July 2021

Two bowsers carrying 20 metric tons each of liquid oxygen have arrived in the city of Yangon for people’s hospitals and Covid centers while 26 more bowsers are due to arrive within days, according to government sources released on July 16.

The two bowsers arrived in Yangon on July 15 and 16 respectively.  The liquid oxygen was supplied to North Oakkalapa Hospital, Waibagi Hospital and Yangon General Hospital.

Liquid oxygen necessary for public members during the Covid-19 crisis was purchased through coordination among the military, the ministry of health and sports, the region administration council and donors.

Moreover, 26 more bowsers of liquid oxygen have been bought with money donated by public well-wishers and they will arrive soon in Yangon.

Yangon Region Administration Council chairman Hla Soe and members and Yangon Region Command Commander Major General Nyunt Win Swe visited the scenes and left necessary instructions.

Mindama Oxygen Plant of Myanmar Economic Corporation produces over 149,000 cubic feet of oxygen a day and Myaungdaka Oxygen Plant 120,000 cubic feet per day. They are distributing oxygen to public hospitals and Covid centers in Yangon and Bago regions, according to news sources.

Likewise, oxygen plants are being established in Nay Pyi Taw to distribute oxygen soon.

They are one oxygen plant with a daily capacity of 50 40-liter cylinders and another with a daily capacity of 24 40-liter cylinders at People’s Hospital (1,000-bed) in Zabuthiri Township; one with a daily capacity of 1,440 40-liter cylinders at People’s Hospital (300-bed) in Pobbathiri Township; and one with a daily capacity of 80 4-liter cylinders at Military OG & Children Hospital in Zeyathiri Township.  

On July 15 also, 200 40-liter oxygen cylinders imported via border trade zones in Laukkai and Chinshwehaw of Shan State (North) were distributed to hospitals in Lashio, Kyaukme, Namkhio, Manton, Namhsam, Nammatu and Hispaw as well as Ayeyawady Region. Similarly, 36 tons of liquid oxygen, 490 40-liter cylinders, 22 empty 40-liter cylinders and 40 sets of oxygen-related equipment imported via Myawady border trade zone in Kayin State were distributed to hospitals and Covid centers in Myawady and Mawlamyine of Mon State and Yangon. Meanwhile, 250 oxygen cylinders arriving in Dawei of Taninthayi Region were distributed to public and military hospitals.

With import permission granted to private sector, a private company in Yangon imported 333 40-liter oxygen cylinders and 333 regulators via Chinshwehaw border trade zone. They will be transported and distributed to Yangon Region.