Taninthayi Region Chief Minister charged with corruption

Taninthayi Region Chief Minister charged with corruption
Published 12 March 2019

YANGON-Dr Le Le Maw, Chief Minister of Taninthayi Region together with Managing Director Thein Htwe, Directors Aung Myat and Thura Ohn from Global Grand Services (GGS) are now charged under the Anti-Corruption Law, according to the announcement of Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on March 10th.

The announcement said that the ACC received complaints of bribes accepted by the Taninthayi Region Chief Minister. The commission formed the investigation team to look into the case. The investigation commission had carried out the inquires in Nay Pyi Taw, Yangon and Dawei Townships from February 6th to March 6th.

The report of investigation commission found that the Taninthayi Region Government Committee granted F-22 Sunny Construction Co, Ltd for construction of pavilions for Thingyan Water Festival in 2016, removal of bushes in the compound of Dawei University and Dawei Airport in November 2016. She[Dr Le Le Maw] invited tender on December 15th in 2016 and also allowed the budget Ks 400 million for removal of bushes in Dawei Airport without the regional government’s approval.

She also didn’t follow the rules and regulations of financial policy under the guidance of the Union Government’s instructions and permitted the Road Construction Department to take out the cash about Ks1.9 billions altogether. In October, 2018, she ordered the Director from Regional Road Department to build the fences at two plots of land being bought by the name of Myit Ho under the approval of her husband Tun Min in Dawei Township. So, over Ks 14 million had been used for construction of fences. The investigation commission found her corrupt activity in construction of fences.

Moreover, she had sold her land and two-story situated on Myeik-Dawei Road in Myoma Ward, Thetyetchaung Township to the GGS Company for Ks 200 million. However, the land and house was actually valued over Ks 32 million. That’s why she granted the GGS Company for construction of Fish Auction Sale in Thetyetchaung Township, distribution of power in Dawei District, constructions of Cane Ball building in Dawei Township, City Hall in Pulaw Township, low-cost rent housings in Dawei and Myeik Townships and Taninthayi Guest House and staff-quarter in Nay Pyi Taw.

The commission also found that Thura Ohn who bought the land and house of Dr Le Le Maw was the business partner in the GGS Company and he was also the GGS Company’s General Manger. Moreover, the officials from GGS Company namely Thein Htwe, Aung Myat and Thura Ohn overbid her land and house. In result, they were given the green light for more projects which brought the more benefits to them.

Moreover, she allowed Thein Htwe on behalf of the GGS to sign a contract for electricity distribution project in Dawei District on December 6th 2016. However, the GGS Company defected from the construct disciplines. Since the beginning of July 1st of 2017, GGS Company failed to pay over Ks 8 billion for natural gas. So, the regional government lost a lot of budgets because they owed over Ks 8 billion to the Ministry of Electricity and Energy on behalf of the company. The commission found that the Taninthayi Region Chief Minister together with Thein Htwe and Aung Myat from GGS Company implicated in the corruption.

According to the investigation commission formed by the Anti-Corruption Commission, Chief Minister for the Tyaninthayi Region Dr. Le Le Maw was taken action with Section 55 of Anti-Corruption Law while MD Thein Htwe from GGS Company and Director Aung Myat and Thura Ohn  were taken action with Section 55/63 of Anti-Corruption Law and other crimes with other indictments for 4 separate cases.  On March 10, 23019, the first complaint was made at the Dawei Police Station.

The  Anti-Corruption Commission has announced to take action to Chief Minister for the Tyaninthayi Region Dr. Le Le Maw and three officials from GGS Company but till now they are not arrested and they are not charged yet. The  Anti-Corruption Commission has announced on  March 10 evening that Chief Minister for the Tyaninthayi Region Dr. Le Le Maw, MD Thein Htwe from Global Grand Services (GGS Company) and Director Aung Myat and Thura Ohn. Their news attracts public interest to a higher scale. News emerged that after that announcement,   Chief Minister for the Tyaninthayi Region Dr. Le Le Maw, and three officials from GGS Company were detained. When contacting to Taninthayi Region Police Station,  Police Deputy Superintendent Sein Win.

"We didn't file the case and we don't have any detainees. The case belongs to Anti-Corruption Commission. They just informed us about the case. They did everything such as taking remand and other things by themselves. As the Anti-Corruption Commission has announced, all four were detained at the Dawei Police Station was false. Currently, there is no one detained at the Dawei Police Station," said Police Deputy Superintendent Sein Win.

But, according to the rumors, Director of GGS Company Aung Myat while going to Yangon from Dawei. He was prevented on his way and detained at the Dawei Police Station. When journalists based in Dawei went to Dawei Police Station for information, it is said that police officer were not at the Station and the security of the Police Station were tightened. Reporters were asked to leave from the police station compound.

After a few minutes, a black Toyota mark X 2018 Model owned by GGS Company owned by Director Aung Myat arrived in front of the station. The driver of the car gave a parcel to one of the policemen and left the place. The vehicle then went to Hoetl Dawei in front of the Dawei region police station. When contacting to Zaw Lin Aung, personal officer of the Chief Minister for the Tyaninthayi Region Dr. Le Le Maw, he replied that they were on a trip to Kawthaung and said he will contact later.

Minister for Security and Border Affairs Col. Kyaw Zeya has replaced in the place of Chief Minister for the Tyaninthayi Region Dr. Le Le Maw. To confirm the news, contact was made to him but there was no reply from him.

According to the investigation of Eleven Media, Dr. Le Le Maw, was detained at the Kawthaung Police Station and three GGS Company officials were detained at Dawei Police Station according to unconfirmed sources.