Strong wind destroys houses in Sarlingyi, Monywa and Ayardaw

Strong wind destroys houses in Sarlingyi, Monywa and Ayardaw
Published 20 April 2019
Kaung Khant Lin (Monywa)

Strong gales destroyed nearly 500 houses in Sarlingyi, Monywa and Ayardaw Townships on April 18 according to S.WIli Frant, director of Regional Natural Disaster Management Department. 

Many houses were destroyed in Sarlingyi, Monywa and Ayardaw Townships but there was no causality due to strong wind.

In Sarlingyi, and Ayardaw Townships, houses were destroyed. But, in Monywa, only four houses were destroyed. In Wetlet,  more than 60 houses were destroyed. In Sarlingyi Township, 220 houses, 4 houses in Monywa, 200 in Ayardaw, 65 houses in Wetlet, altogether nearly 500 houses were destroyed.

Moreover, strong wind destroyed some religious buildings.