Strong wind destroys houses in Pyay

Strong wind destroys houses in Pyay
Houses damaged by wind
Houses damaged by wind
Published 23 May 2019
Wai Lin (Pyay)

Strong wind destroyed pagodas, monasteries, schools and houses in Wuthtikan, Pyay Township in northern Bago Region on May 21, sources said.

“The wind blew off rooftops of the monastery and houses in the village. We have to search for our blankets and pillows this morning,” said U Pyinyatharmi, presiding monk of Kaingchaung monastery.

In Kaingchaung Village, two houses had been completely destroyed by wind and rooftops of 25 houses were damaged. Strong wind destroyed two houses and blew off the rooftops of over 53 houses in Hlwazin village tract. It also destroyed the rooftops of four houses in Wayonesate village tract, said locals.

“The wind destroyed my home as soon as I warned my wife about the strong wind. We have to rescue our cows and went to my mother home. The wind came suddenly,” said Kyaw Naing.

Township administrator and MPs are collecting the list of damages and will provide aid to them as soon as possible, said Head of Disaster Management Department of Pyay District.

Strong wind also destroyed monasteries, schools and houses in Zeekon Township, Bago Region on May 20 and Minton Township, Magway Region on May 21.