SAC warns of consequences for harm to detained Loikaw University faculty members

SAC warns of consequences for harm to detained Loikaw University faculty members
Published 22 November 2023

If the faculty members from Loikaw University in Kayah State abducted during the clashes that broke out at the university come to any harm, the group responsible for the arrest will face severe punishment, Major General Zaw Min Tun, spokesperson for the State Administration Council (SAC), has warned. 

He made the warning when speaking about the situation of the arrest of the faculty members made by armed groups on November 21.

"I would like to say that if there is any harm to the teachers detained, the group detaining them will be held accountable, responsible, and seriously punished," the major general said.

He however said KNPP had released videos and announcements assuring that the detained faculty members are being treated well. Actually, the armed group entered the university and arrested the faculty members, he added. 

Various organizations in Myanmar objected to the arrest of the university teachers, and then the armed group responsible for the arrest might have acted like the arrestees are being treated well with intent to downplay their arrest, the SAC spokesman said.

"Because of this strong condemnation, these pressures and such active cooperation, the responsible armed group has come to hide their arrest at this time. You can also see videos they released in which you can witness and understand the facial expressions of the arrestees,” he said. 

A video file was posted on social media on November 21 featuring that the rector of Loikaw University is alive and well together with the other arrested faculty members.