Relevant Health Departments immunize over 40,000 people against COVID-19

Relevant Health Departments immunize over 40,000 people against COVID-19
Published 24 December 2021

YANGON----Relevant health departments under the Public Health Department in Yangon Region already have immunized over 40,000 people against COVID-19, according to the Ministry of Health (MOH).

The MOH also reported that in the country, 36.9 million people aged 18 and above are being vaccinated. And till December 7th, 12.57 million had received two shots and 5.59 million one shot with 30.75 shots in total.

About 50% of the population has been set to be vaccinated by the end of this year and 70% by mid-2022. So far, 35% has been vaccinated.

Myanmar started vaccinating respective age groups on January in order of priority such as those aged 65 and above, those aged 55 and above, and those aged 45 and above.

On September 14th, priority groups were set including the disabled people, members of the ethnic armed organizations and their family members, IDPs, refugees, and those suffering from critical illnesses or non-communicable diseases.

The MOH is urging the people to receive full doses of Covid-19 vaccines, those who have received the first doses to visit the nearest immunization point in due course and all public members to actively cooperate in the nationwide inoculation programme.

Myanmar had fully vaccinated 12.57 million people against Covid-19 till December 7th.