Over 500,000 out of over 870,000 people displaced by war deserted their homes after February 1, 2021: OCHA Myanmar

Over 500,000 out of over 870,000 people displaced by war deserted their homes after February 1, 2021: OCHA Myanmar
IDPs from Lay Kay Kaw seen at Thailand
IDPs from Lay Kay Kaw seen at Thailand
Published 10 March 2022

Of the more than 870,000 displaced people in Myanmar, more than 500,000 have been displaced after February 1, 2021, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA Myanmar).

According to the statement, the security and humanitarian situation across Shan State remained fragile, with armed clashes reported between Tatmadaw and various ethnic armed organisations (EAOs), as well as among EAOs in Hopang, Kutkai, Lashio and Muse townships in the state’s north and in Lawksawk, Leihka, Loilen and Mawkmai townships in the state’s south since February 2022.

As a result, 2,126 people have been newly displaced in seven townships since 1 February 2022.

At the same time, a total of 2,474 IDPs, who were hosted in six townships, were also able to return to their places of origin within Shan State during February.

Humanitarian access to conflict areas remains limited due to insecurity and ongoing fighting. However, humanitarian partners, in collaboration with local responders and religious leaders, have managed to provide critical life-saving assistance and protection services to people in need, according to the statement.

The statement said quoting to the announcement made by the UNHCR, as of February 28, 14,320 people out of the 56,400 people, who were internally displaced across 19 townships in Shan State since the beginning of 2021, remain displaced in 11 townships.

Nationwide, a total of 873,000 people remain displaced in Myanmar, of whom 502,600 were displaced after February 2021, it said.

Moreover the OCHA Myanmar announced on March 2 that 224,200 people were displaced by armed conflict in southeastern Myanmar from February 1, 2021 to February 21, 2022.