Myanmar to welcome more than 640 refugees in Thailand

Myanmar to welcome more than 640 refugees in Thailand
Published 19 February 2019

Myanmar will allow acceptance of more than 640 Myanmar citizens taking shelter at three refugee camps in Thailand third time, according to the Kayin State government.

The region government will reaccept 642 from Kayin, Kayah, Mon, Rakhine, Yangon, Bago, Magway and Taninthayi. They are taking shelter in Mae La, Umphiem and Noh Poe refugee camps in Thailand.

The Kayin State government held a coordination meeting on the reacceptance of Myanmar citizens in Thailand on February 15.

The authorities will welcome those who will reenter the country via Kayah State at Mae Sae gate and those to other regions and states via Kyauklonegyi reacceptance camp in Myawady.

The Kayin State government will form committee and subcommittee for the process.

The Disaster Management Department will provide them with family kit, the cash assistance of Ks300,000 per household and the travel expense of Ks15,000 per head.

In addition, Border Affairs Ministry will provide the daily cash assistance of Ks 589.92 per head for one month.