More Myanmar migrants return to Myawady

More Myanmar migrants return to Myawady
Published 25 March 2020
Ko Shwe Thein (Myawady)

More Myanmar migrant workers are returned to Myanmar through Segal jetty in Myawady though travelling is restricted on No.2 Friendship Bridge on March 24.

They are welcomed by Minister for Social Affairs of Kayin State and officials.

Officials from both countries made a negotiation to let about 2,000 Myanmar migrant workers to pass through the bridge on March 24 and health officials from Myanmar checked their health before they had been allowed to enter Myawady.

“I accepted the advice to stay where we are but the place where I was worked is closed. I am worried about the COVID-19 virus and I want to die in my parents’ hand if I am dead,” said a returnee.

The migrant workers will keep in home quarantine for 14 days at their native towns and villages. The migrant workers lived in townships in the state will be kept in isolation at Myawady, said Myawady district administrator.

Disinfectants are sprayed in market and crowded areas in Myawady by the township development committee and social welfare associations sprayed disinfectants in streets, houses and crowded areas.