Explosive device goes off during terror raid in Indonesia's North Sumatra | #AsiaNewsNetwork

Explosive device goes off during terror raid in Indonesia's North Sumatra | #AsiaNewsNetwork
Illustration photo of National Police’s Densus 88 counterterrorism squad. (Persda Network via kompas.com/Bina Harnansa)
Illustration photo of National Police’s Densus 88 counterterrorism squad. (Persda Network via kompas.com/Bina Harnansa)
Published 13 March 2019
Apriadi Gunawan

Medan (The Jakarta Post) - A number of people, including a police officer, were injured after a explosive device went off during a terror raid at a house in Sibolga, North Sumatra, on Tuesday.

Locals said the National Police’s counterterrorism squad, Densus 88, had been deployed to the location and combed the surrounding area to prevent another explosion.

One man believed to be a suspect had been arrested, they added.

“Residents panicked and scrambled to safety after the explosion,” Bahar, a resident, said.

Rahmat Efri Guci, another resident, said he and three other people, including one police officer, tried to enter the suspected terrorist’s house. The bomb exploded soon after they broke down the door.

Sibolga Police spokesperson First Insp. R. Sormin confirmed that an explosion had occurred at the suspected terrorist’s house and that it injured a number of people.

“We are still investigating the case,” he said.

The incident took place only days before President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s scheduled visit on Sunday.