Don’t take delight if you win or don’t get disappointed if you lose: former president

Don’t take delight if you win or don’t get disappointed if you lose: former president
Published 23 October 2020
Pyae Phyo Aung

Former President Thein Sein has urged members and supporters of the Union Solidarity and Development Party not to take delight if they won election or express disappointment if they lost it.  

The USDP issued a statement on October 22 in which former party chairman and president Thein Sein gave his message to the party members and supporters as they requested. 

“Election is in the near future. It is necessary to compete in a fair and honest manner. There will be loss or win. I want to tell you. Don’t take great delight if you win. Don’t get disappointed if you lose. Whoever rules if they serve the best interest of the country. It is crucial to serve the best interest of our country,” Thein Sein said.  

 He commented that it was unfortunate for Myanmar to see the coincidence of the election and the Covid-19 crisis.  

 “People are willing to go to the polls. But they are scared of infection. We can’t help it. They will do as they wish. If they are going to the polls, they must take care of themselves in accord with the prescribed health guidelines,” the former president said.  

His message also includes taking great care as the Covid-19 is a life-threatening disease even claiming lives of all, regardless of race, religion, age and gender.