Complaint against Yangon Metropolitan Development Company

Complaint against Yangon Metropolitan Development Company
Published 22 May 2019
Pyae Phyo Aung

YANGON- As there is complaint letters against Yangon Metropolitan Development Company, Finance, Planning and Economic Affairs Committee from Yangon Region Parliament will be meeting with the company’s authorities, says MP Kyaw Zeya from No.2 Constituency of Dagon Township who is also committee’s secretary.

“With the aim to construct the housings worth of Ks64 billion being allowed by the Yangon Region Government Committee, we are going to meet with the company. Moreover, we already received complaint letters against some businesses of Yangon Metropolitan Company,” said MP Kyaw Zeya.

Some complaint letters against the Yangon Metropolitan Development Company are renovation of old office of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, controversial land issue of dry port project and housing project in Dagon Seikkan Township, according to MP Kyaw Zeya.

“We, the Finance, Planning and Economic Affairs Committee, are going to meet with Yangon Metropolitan Company on May 27th. The Yangon Metropolitan Development Company aims to build the housings. So, we are going to ask them how many houses will be built,” said Kyaw Zeya.

With the aim to build housing project, Yangon Regional Government Committee invested Ks 54 billion in Yangon Metropolitan Development Public and Ks 10 billion in New Yangon Development Corporation, according to the Yangon Region’s Auditor General’s report in 2016-2017.

Moreover, Yangon Regional Parliament’s Finance, Planning and Economic Affairs Committee will meet with the officials aiming to discuss about the industries which are running at loss under the Production Department of the Yangon Region Development Committee. The committee made ground investigation of the industries running at loss continuously about five years, says MP Kyaw Zeya.