Clashes broke out in southern Hpakant Township

Clashes broke out in southern Hpakant Township
Published 27 November 2022

Exchange of fire broke out in southern Hpakant Township since November 3 and more than 500 people from Thaungkawt, Kaungsan, and Kayin Chaung villages fled to Hmawshan village according to philanthropic associations.

“As the military column entered this area and there were causalities among villagers and destruction of houses, people from these area fled to Seikmu village. Half of the IDPs returned to their villages today. Every house in southern Hpakant Township has bomb shelters now as they experienced bomb explosions and heavy weapons this whole month,” said a member of Seikmu village philanthropic association.

On November 25, military forces marched from Whaykhar and therefore, Kyaungsein Taung Bridge between Hpakant and Mashikahtaung was closed. Two siblings riding a motorcycle were shot and injured at their arms according to locals. They were sent to Hpakant hospital and now in stable condition, it said.

On November 3, Myanmar Economic Bank was attacked with mine and three security members were injured, On November 7, police force unit in Seikmu village was attacked with 40 mm, a police check post in Kyaungsein Taung bridge was attacked on November 8, heavy weapon exploded near Aye Mya Tharyar jade mine on November 10, clashes occurred near Whaykhar in Hpakant-Indaw road section, military forces attacked a group stealthily digging jades at Sapot village on November 18, a shooting occurred at a KTV in Hmarsizar village on November 19, two men were shot near Karmaing between Hpakant and Lonekhin on November 22, a car was attacked with mine between Sapot and Kayin Chaung villages on November 23, two houses were burnt and a man was killed when a heavy weapon explosion occurred at Thaungkawt village on November 24, and two clerks were killed when a heavy weapon exploded at Karming administrative office on November 24.