A female teacher killed in Ramree

A female teacher killed in Ramree
Published 11 December 2018
Than Hlaing (Sittwe)

SITTWE- 27-aged female teacher on her way to school was killed in Ramree Township, Rakhine State, on December 10th.

The victim lives in Siring village, Ramree Township and usually travels to the school on foot.

“The incident took place beside the gravel road in Kantaing village-tract. The bushes and mangroves are beside the road. We didn’t know exactly about the case because transportation access is very difficult and the place is very far from the town,” said MP Than Maung Oo.

According to the sources, even though the teacher went to school in the morning, she didn’t return for lunch. So, her father searched for her and was found dead near the creek beside the road.  

The reports said that she was raped and killed.

“According to the tips, the teacher went to school. She was supposed to come back home for lunch. On the December 10th, her father came to the school because his daughter didn’t come back. On the way, he found an item belonging to his daughter beside the road. So, he looked at the nearby road and found her dead body with injuries around her neck. Currently, the case is being filed under murder charges. The investigation is being carried out under the police procedures,” said Corporal San Shwe from Laytaung Police Station.

At present, the body was sent to the Ramree Hospital and the Laytaung Police Station is now conducting investigation for this case.