30 people died in a single day on July 15 in Pathein due to COVID-19

30 people died in a single day on July 15 in Pathein due to COVID-19
Caption: Volunteers preparing to carry dead bodies (Photo-Manaw Phyu Philanthropic Association)
Caption: Volunteers preparing to carry dead bodies (Photo-Manaw Phyu Philanthropic Association)
Published 17 July 2021

Another record high number of deaths occurred in a single day on July 15 in Pathein where 30 people were died treating the virus from their homes according to reports.

According to Manaw Phyu Philanthropic Association’s data, 8 people died at Pathein hospital. one from military hospital, and 21 people were died while undergoing medical treatment from their homes.

Demand for oxygen is increasing ever in Pathein and people are searching for oxygen in other cities and townships according to local charity groups as the production of oxygen from Pathein hospital and military hospital has their limits.

“No one can go to hospitals as there are too many patients in hospitals and make-shift hospitals. People prefer to treat themselves from their homes rather admitting to hospitals. Infection has spread rapidly. Besides, lack of oxygen and systematic treatment, the fatality rate has increasing. Now, “We love Pathein” group is  working for buying oxygen machine. Things will be much better when the machine comes,” said a Pathein local.

From July 1 to July 9, a total of 48 people were died with COVID-19 in Pathein and since July 10, at least 20 people were died daily.