11 people bitten by mad dog in Zinkyaik

11 people bitten by mad dog in Zinkyaik
Photo-Ko Zaw Min (Moe Cherry)
Photo-Ko Zaw Min (Moe Cherry)
Published 27 November 2022
Bo Bo Myint

Ten children and one adult were bitten by a mad dog in Zinkyaik, Paung Township, Mon State, on November 27 morning, local sources said. 

A local resident said a grade-one female student started being bitten by the mad dog under Yaza Dirit Bridge in Palat ward, Zinkyaik town.  

“After that student had been bitten, other children down the street in the lanes around the market.  Then, the dog proceeded to Khalauk Inn ward where it bit a child,” he added. 

In a lane of Khalauk Inn ward, security forces shot the mad dog dead. Those bitten were sent to Paung Township People’s Hospital.

Another local resident said: “Eleven people were bitten. They are 10 children and one adult.”

No patients are in serious condition but they are receiving hospital treatment, according to their families.

On September 11 also, over 20 people were bitten by a mad dog in the same town.