Police seizes 2.5 M stimulant pills in Maungdaw

Police seizes 2.5 M stimulant pills in Maungdaw
Published 8 December 2018
Thar Shwe Oo (Kissapa)

Police seized Ks5 billion worth of 2.5 million stimulant pills in Maungdaw from two places in a single day, according to Myanmar Police Force.

Police found 585,000 stimulant pills from an unoccupied house in Kyatyoepyin Bengali Village in northern Maungdaw and seized over 1.9 million stimulant pills from 6-mile check-point on December 6.

The police detained two men in related with the stimulant pills seizure at 6-mile checkpoint and the police lodged a complaint against them under Section 19 (a) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law at Pyinphyu Township police station, according to the announcement.