Ceiling collapses at Station Hospital in Kalay

Ceiling collapses at Station Hospital in Kalay
Published 19 May 2020
Aung Thu Tun

KALAY-A ceiling of a building of a female ward at the Station Hospital in Khayan village (North), Gangaw Township, Sagaing Region, collapsed yesterday afternoon, according to MP Pyee Lwin from Gangaw Township.

“The ceilings of the female ward at the station hospital collapsed. The station hospital was built in 2014-15 fiscal years. The building was handed over in 2015. I think the ceilings of two rooms collapsed,” said MP Pyee Lwin.

“The ceilings partially collapsed at the station hospital. It was built at the time of the ex-government led by President Thein Sein. There is no injury. The ceilings are made of plywood,” said local Tin Maung Lwin from Khanyan village (North).

“None of the patients were injured. But, a child got a minor injury. We carried out the security tasks at the gate of the hospital during COVID-19 outbreak. We removed the collapsed ceilings and helped the patients,” said Kyaw Min Naing, a leader of Auxiliary Fire brigade in Khayan village (north).

It is a 16-bedded station hospital and built by Lashio Star Company, says MP Pyee Lwin.