A quick interview with beauty blogger, actress Nay Chi Oo

A quick interview with beauty blogger, actress Nay Chi Oo
Highly successful Beauty Blogger and Actress Nay chi Oo.
Highly successful Beauty Blogger and Actress Nay chi Oo.
Published 25 June 2019
Lin Lin Khine Eleven Media Group


Actress Nay Chi Oo; from her much-loved, successful role as a top-tier Beauty Blogger to a well-loved actress in the hit film "Yanthu". She is currently a part of shooting (as of the time of writing) her sixth film "A Khan Nar Sone Myittar" movie together with other acclaimed actors and actresses including Academy Award winner Nay Toe. The following are excerpts from an interview before another film she is starring in called "Eath Thal", playing the role of a highly passionate girl, enters the box office.

Q: Since the movie is going to be in the cinemas soon, can you share with us some memorable moments of the film?

A: Eath Thal is a romance-drama. Even before the movie began shooting, the audience were already excited after seeing the casting list. Now that it's going to be in the cinemas soon, I'm also excited along with them. This is a film that will leave in the hearts of the audience something to talk about.

Q: Were there any compromises that had to be made when playing the role?

A: I have to work together with Shwe Hmone and I've always loved her performance. I also know her outside of work so there weren't a lot of negotiations to be had. We just had to give it our best for the role we're playing.

Q: Now that it's been six films that you've been a part of, what sort of experience would you say you've obtained?

A: It's been almost two years since I've started my acting career. So the "A Khan Nar Sone Myittar""that's being shot now is the sixth film for me. I was a Beauty Blogger and then an actress. I feel that it is largely due to the support I've received from producers, directors, co-stars, other supporting staff as well as the audience supporting, which I think is the main factor. They enabled me to star in movies. And since I choose my roles carefully, the characters I've played isn't the same-type cast for all six movies. My primary trade is still being a Beauty Blogger. I love being a social influencer and I try really hard for it. Similarly, I also pick and choose my roles carefully because I want to give it my best so that the audience can be satisfied with my performance. 

Q: You are acting together with Ko Nay Toe in this film. How did you feel about that?

A: At first, I couldn't believe it. I was worried that I would not be able to keep up or bother him in anyway because I was new. Ko Nay Toe had always earned full respect from me for being talented in everything he does and am honored that I could work together with him. Of course there were some moments where I was intimidated to work together with someone I've admired since long ago. I think that I will continue to learn many valuble lessons from him.

Q: You've had to act together with the "Shwe" couple for Eath Thal. There must be many memorable experiences there.

A: There were many. I had no idea while during the shooting but they've said that they fell in love while doing the film together. Maybe I was a little suspicious that they were but I can't tell for sure because the plot largely revolves around these three characters so they were always together. I remember that we were rehearsing a scene near the end of shooting. My character was waiting for Shwe Htoo to come but he isn't there and I was crying. He finally appeared and said the line "Sorry, I'm late thae (dear or babe)". And "Thae" had nothing to do with my character in that scene so I remember asking him who exactly were you calling Thae. He then apologized for his slip of tongue. I thought it was just  because he had to do scenes with Shwe Hmone and that must've stuck in his head. But now, it's clear that it was because of something else looking back at it. 

Q: When it comes to love, you're also a passionate person. What's your take on love in your life?

A: I'm now around 28 years old and the way I've been living my life now...I'm not going to be overly romantic for love. But I still give my personal life the amount of attention it needs; going on trips together and such. My parents don't like it but I've always put aside time for love.

Q: Since you've watched movies you've starred in together with the audience, are there any plans for more of that?

A: Well, I am happy to oblige my fans if they really want to watch it together with me.

Q: Are there any particular roles or genre that you want to act in?

A: I want to be in a ghost (horror) film. I am absolutely terrified of horror movies. I was watching "Mahuyar Yoteshin Yone" with my friend that had to leave early and I didn't dare to keep watching it alone so I went home. It will be a self-challenge for me to be a part of a horror film. Horror movies depend a lot of the mood itself as there are more physical acting than dialogues. Emotions have to be conveyed and portrayed. I'm also interested in doing slasher/killer films. 

Q: Can you tell us about your upcoming movies?

A: The Eath Thal movie will enter box office at the end of May. There is also "Out Phal Ma Hlan Kyay" and "Purita".