MIC allows US$1.76 B worth of FDI from April 1 to September 30

MIC allows US$1.76 B worth of FDI from April 1 to September 30
A factory running with FDI (Photo-Pyae Phyo Aung)
A factory running with FDI (Photo-Pyae Phyo Aung)
Published 7 November 2018

Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) allowed US$1.76 billion worth of foreign direct investment from April 1 to September 30 in this year and the actual foreign investment is reached to US$2.1 billion in that period, announced the MIC.

Myanmar received US$4.137 billion in foreign investment sector in the same period of last year.

Myanmar expected to receive US$3 billion worth of foreign investment in six-month time but the actual amount is less than US$1.3 billion in compared with the amount they expected.

The FDI invested US$706 million in production sector, US$314 million in telecommunications and transportation sector, US$280 million in real estate sector and US$277 million in other sector.

A total of US$4.137 billion worth of FDI entered Myanmar in the same period in 2017-18 FY. The production sector also topped the list of FDI with US$1,450 billion last year followed by real estate sector.

Myanmar is facing other challenges to promote investment. The halt of global demand for products from Myanmar is making consequences on the FDI which are producing export products. Another potential loss is caused by natural disasters.